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bobot mati bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "bobot mati"
  • bobot:    heaviness; profundity; weight; lading; heavy;
  • mati:    as dead as mutton; dead; decease; die; die a
  • tonase bobot mati:    deadweight tonnage
  • bobot:    heaviness; profundity; weight; lading; heavy; shipment; consignment; freight; loading; load; burden; cargo; payload; quality; integrity
  • mati:    as dead as mutton; dead; decease; die; die a tragic death; dies; extinct; go the way of all flesh; go the way of nature; go west; going the way of all flesh; going the way of nature; going west; gon
  • analisa-bobot:    gravimetric analysis; filtrate
  • areometer bobot:    nicholson's hydrometer
  • bagian bobot:    part by weight
  • bahasa bobot:    bobot language
  • bobot adhesi:    adhesion-weight
  • bobot atom:    atomic-weight; atomic mass; atomic weight; relative atomic mass
  • bobot diri:    dead load
  • bobot fetes:    drop weight
  • bobot jenis:    specific gravity
  • bobot kontra:    balance weight
  • We got no time to haul dead weight.
    Kita tak punya waktu untuk mengangkut bobot mati.
  • Children are the definition of deadweight.
    Anak-anak adalah bobot mati.
  • No, you're dead weight!
    Tidak, kau bobot mati !
  • There would be no deadweight loss but
    tidak akan ada kerugian bobot mati tapi Meme it
  • Deadweight loss these are all units that
    kerugian bobot mati ini semua unit yang Meme it
  • Big dead weight (500Nx9) and loading device 1
    Bobot mati besar (500Nx9) dan perangkat pemuatan 1
  • Deadweight loss and of course there'sMeme it
    kerugian bobot mati dan tentu saja ada Meme it
  • Big dead weight (50Nx10) and loading device 1
    Bobot mati besar (50Nx10) dan perangkat pemuatan 1
  • Shade in that deadweight loss label this
    teduh di label kerugian bobot mati ini Meme it
  • Small dead weight loading motor Induction motor, 60W
    Motor pemuatan bobot mati kecil Motor induksi, 60W
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4